The Relation between Islam and Arab Nationalism(asabiyyat) from Quraysh(Prophet) to the Rise of Daesh (ISIS)


Political Islam has become one of the most important issues of today's world and it is main actor in the Middle East. According to some analysts political Islam by negation of human values and democracy, has deprived region from stability and democracy. Some scholars find the root of political Islam in Islam itself and believe that violence is embedded within political interpretation of Islam. Others, who among many are Muslim scholars believe that a deviation from orthodox Islam has caused these challenges. Thereafter some conclude that political Islam is born out of existence of fundamentalism in orthodox Islam and some see it as a response to modernism and postcolonial collective suppression. Therefore, question raised how a connection is made between Islam as a divine belief and Arab nationalism as an earthly concept. Is Islam a universal and above-race religion as it claims or its being is used to establish the superiority of Arab tribalism/Nation. Was the Islam a project for Arab domination and hegemony or a project dedicated to salvation of humanity?

Should we look for the root of Islam in Arab tribalism (Nation) and cultural Arabia cultural components or should we look into divine mission within the Message?

Is Islam a mean to achieve divine salvation? Or is metaphysical context of Islam a tool in service of Arabic domination and hegemony?

The purpose of this paper is to offer new and challenging answers to this dilemma and possible connection between Arab nationalism and Islam religion.

Zakaria Qaderi

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